I prefer to use Touch for health kinesiology because it has one big advantage over other therapies. Once the muscles in the area where your pain is in have been corrected you are taught how to keep those muscles working at maximum efficiency. So that the healing process keeps taking place after you go home, this shortens your total healing time considerably. I also teach you which muscles need to be strengthened ( using light weights ) and which muscles need to be stretched, so that the bones can easily move back to their correct alignment.

Don’t worry, the stretching / exercising time is usually less than 10 minutes a day. Once you have increased your strength to about 10% more than you need in your daily routine, you should see a reduction in the amount of times you have pain due to muscle fatigue.

The client’s who do not strengthen their muscles usually become long term clients and those who do strengthen their muscles usually become very short term clients. Until they have some other problem. After all the occasional pulled muscle ( from over exercising ) is normal. It is when the pain does not go away that we need help.







Disclaimer: The information provided in this website is for educational purposes only as well as to give you general information about posture and the muscular system it is not to provide specific advice. By reading this article you understand that there is no direct relationship between your problem and that discussed. The information provided in this article should not be used as a substitute for competent professional advice from a professional.


Why I prefer to use Touch for health — No Comments

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