How to use kinesiology to locate and fix your health problems.

Kinesiology is the term given to the study of muscles. So if you google ¨kinesiology¨ you will get two main types

  • Structural, which is the description of what each muscles does.
  • Healing, which is when you use muscle monitoring to improve your health.


Kinesiology ( for healing) uses the fact that a muscle can only handle one stress at a time.

Some of the things that stress us are physical (pushing on the arm), a memory (thought), chemical (including food) or an untrue statement.

Kinesiology exploits this fact by using the muscle monitoring technique (physically stressing the body) while making a statement. If the statement causes no stress (true) the muscle will lock (hold or will not move). If the statement is not true the muscle will unlock (not hold or move).

The above assumes we are using a muscle that is working correctly i.e. it is not permanently stuck in a locking or unlocking state regardless of if it is stressed of not. We find this out by physically stressing the muscle and assessing if it locks without any other stress (remembering that a muscle can only handle one stress at a time) Once we have a lock without any stress then we assess it with a known stress ( making an untrue statement or some thing else ). One way is by saying the statement  ¨show me a lock ¨ and then do the muscle assessment then repeat the assessment by saying ¨show me an unlock¨. You should get a result which should be the muscle is locking (strong) when you use the statement of  ¨show me a lock ¨and unlocking (weak) or at the very minimum significantly weaker when when you use the statement ¨show me an unlock¨. Another way to test that the body is communicating correctly. Make the statement ¨My name is ——– ¨ assess the muscle. (should lock) Make the statement ¨My name is Shed ¨ assess the muscle. (should unlock) If this does not happen go to Note 1 below.

Something to watch out for is if you notice some self talk while assessing the muscle or just before. If this occurs you will be assessing the self talk and not what you planned to assess. So you need to be aware of your thoughts. When this happens just say  ¨clear¨ 5 times and reassess. Now you know what muscle monitoring is.

How do we use it?

  1. First at the top of the page write your goal using only positive words.                                             ¨I want to be pain free¨ is not a positive goal.

If eating causes bloating.  You would write ¨I digest my food effectively¨ as this statement takes into account. That you have no pain, no bloating, nutrition is absorbed etc.

  1. Then make a list of everything that you know which might be a factor in the bloating.
  2. Now make a statement ( Note 2 ) for each one and assess each statement. When you find a statement which unlocks the muscle ( is incorrect ). It is most likely part of the cause of your problem.
  3. Make up a list of statements which may help fix your problem. The statements that unlock your muscles will not fix your problem. The statements that lock the muscle will either be beneficial or will be neutral to fixing your problem.

Another example of  ¨I am always tired¨. At the top of the page I write I am always tired. My goal is ¨to be alert and active¨. There are a lot of possible causes for this. So make a list.

  1. Do I have enough nutrients?
  2. Do I exercise enough for sufficient blood flow so that each organ and muscle receives the optimum amount of nutrition to to function at its optimum.
  3. Are my glands functioning correctly?
  4. Am I getting enough sleep?

Make a statement and assess it.

1. Do I have enough nutrients? Statement to assess   ¨My body receives the optimum amount of nutrition so that I am alert.¨ If it locks. It has only shown that you are eating correctly.
Is your body using the nutrition you are supplying it effectively? More research, how does the body actually use the food? If it unlocks. What do you need to eat more of?  e.g. Minerals, vitamins, protein etc.
1b. Is your body using the nutrition you are  supplying it effectively? Statement to assess    ¨My body digest the nutrition I supply it effectively.¨ If that locks. The problem is not digestion.   Check next on the list. Absorption, etc If it unlocks then you have to determine that the problem lies in the digestion not the consumption of food.

Now you know the problem. You can use kinesiology to find the solution. So as you probably noticed kinesiology is a tool used to find the correct question as well as the answer. Every problem is a mystery with many many parts to it.

Note 1 Here is a few things to try to re-balance your system.
drink some water
reset your Central meridian by tracing the meridian – trace the meridian from it’s start at your groin to your bottom lip with your hand 5 times
rub below your collar bone

re-assess your muscle for locking and unlocking

Note 2 How to make a statement.

Most likely you will have something you want to change so you are focusing on the negative. The statement usually is what you will achieve (or have) when what you are focusing on is not a problem. e.g. you want to be pain free after eating. So instead of the statement being. ¨I want my stomach to be pain free¨ here you are focusing on the negative ( pain ) and not what the body needs to be pain free, you would use ¨I have an Optimum amount of enzymes to digest the food that I eat.¨ This is so that you do not have undigested food in the stomach causing bloating problems.
We structure a positive statement in this way.
First it must be a statement. The statement MUST be positive. So it must not have any negative words in it. e.g. pain
The statement must have something to assess. The statement must have something to measure.
The statement must have goal e.g. I have an Optimum amount of enzymes to digest the food that I eat. The statement must have a measurement  ¨ Optimum¨ The statement must have a something to assess. ¨ Optimum amount of enzymes¨ The statement must have goal. ¨ digest the food that I eat¨ The statement MUST be positive. ¨yes¨ First it must be a statement. ¨yes¨ My body receives the optimum amount of nutrition so that I can be       alert.¨ The statement must have a measurement  ¨Optimum¨ The statement must have a something to assess. ¨ amount of nutrition¨ The statement must have goal. ¨ I am alert¨ The statement MUST be positive. ¨yes¨ First it must be a statement. ¨yes¨



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