I have just started this section so please be patient
My plans include
what is an energy system
Why should we care
How can we effect our energy system
What is reiki
Reiki symbols
How can we use it to improve our health
Energetic System – Consists of the chakra system which feeds energy into meridian channels (which are the basis of the Chinese healing technique called acupuncture) which in turn, then energise the rest of our body.
Techniques available for the energetic system which I use is Reiki.
Reiki is a system of healing which is used to heal and energises the chakras system.
The chakra system feeds energy into meridian channels (which are the basis of the Chinese healing technique called acupuncture) which in turn then energise the rest of our body. Reiki and Acupuncture do not specifically target an illness but aim to create a situation where the body gets the required energy needed to be healthy.
As a side benefit reiki is very relaxing.
For the energy system to be at its optimum it is only required that we are positive, true to ourselves and that we relax ( walk in the park, meditate etc.).
There are many systems ( depending on where you live ) all of which are unproven in the eyes of the western scientist but have many hundred´s of years of accumulated knowledge and experience.
In my experience a much faster healing result is achieved for physical problems when Reiki/Pranic healing is also used. Due to the basic chakra is nearly always damaged or under active when you have a physical problem.